What - exactly - IS BattleMasters™?
At Attention

BattleMasters™ is a structured martial arts program for boys and girls centered squarely on padded weapons. The curriculum is composed of three main age group divisions: Squires™, ages 6.5 and 8; Little
Knights™, ages 8.5 - 10; and BattleMasters™, ages 11 - up. Our programs offer students the opportunity to explore historical and cultural close-range, edged weapons combat technique - and then to apply them in real-time, full-force battle simulations (games)!
It's easiest to think of our programs in the context of a traditional unarmed martial arts program like Karate or Taekwon-Do. Students attend weekly class, train and work on learning skills, movements, patterns, kata and eventually demonstrate their progress through testing and BattleGames. We have mentoring and leadership development built right in and expect our students to strive for excellence as they complete levels of challenging training to attain the vaunted Black Sash and the title of BATTLEMASTER!
So this is more than just smacking each other with padded swords?
Yes, much more! Developing and deepening self-confidence, personal mastery, and physical coordination/fitness are the larger goals of the BattleMasters™ programs. Proper behavior, focus, and participation ensure positive accomplishments - and such are the expectations of students in the program. This is so much MORE than just whacking each other with padded swords: it is the serious study of centuries-old technique and a purposeful opportunity to develop the heroic aspects of one's self. As this is the case, we honor those who created and developed these arts in the past by working to master them in the present. Discipline and dedication result in this kind of mastery.
At BattleMasters™, we have a saying:
“Practice doesn’t make perfect. Practice makes EXCELLENT!”
Excellence is what we are striving for in all things.
It is the hallmark of a true Hero…