About to Fight!

BATTLEMASTERS™ - ages 10 - 14
Are you Arthur?
Leonardo? Skywalker? Unleash the hero within yourself using safe, padded
weapons through the BattleMasters™ program and find out!
You will use shortswords, longswords, staves, double swords, knives, nunchukus, sword/shield, and arrows as you develop technique, patterns, and blocking/striking sets during regular classes. Experience fun yet serious Battle Games designed to let you apply your newly acquired skills.
It’s the closest thing to a video game or real edged-weapons combat that there is! SUPER FUN without the PAIN or DAMAGE!
Course Details
Padded Weapons Trial Class - Trial students at age 6.5 through Teen may come once and TRY IT OUT! The Trial Class times are:
- 5:00 - 5:45pm - ages 6.5 - 8.5
- 6:00 - 7:00pm - ages 8.5 - 10.
- 7:00 - 8:00pm - ages 11 - 14
- 8 :00- 9:30pm - ages 15 - Adults
Trial Classes are FREE and includes the use of all gear. (One time only per student - new students only!)
BattleMasters™ Program - After completing the Trial, a student may enroll for regular, ongoing classes and training opportunities. Classes are Mon and/or Wed at 6pm. Regular BattleClass tuition is $65/month for once a week (Mon or Wed) or $95 for twice per week (Mon and Wed). BattlePractice is also available on most Saturdays at 3pm for regular, Gold-Sash or higher students and is free of charge.